Nonprofit Leadership, We Salute to You | Part 1 – Certified Master Give Back Program

There is an old song by Dinah Washington called, ‘What A Difference A Day Makes,’ and that is what happened when COVI19 changed our lives. One day we were all out and about going on with our busy lives and the next day we were quarantined in our homes.  I recall that this time last year, the leaders in the Give Back TLC session all gathered and huddled together in the classroom to get their picture taken.

In October, we all “huddled” on Zoom and tried to get a group shot with everyone smiling.    What a difference a day makes!

Despite the pandemic each day the leaders from these non-profit leaders are faced with the challenges of:

  • Creating affordable housing for families
  • Providing a safe haven from domestic abuse
  • Assuring food equity and diminishing food deserts
  • Mental health and substance abuse
  • Equipping lives of the incarcerated and their families
  • Early childhood development
  • Marginalized entrepreneurs 
  • Teaching life skills to youth and adults
  • Providing audio and speech services
  • Connecting people culturally through international exchanges
  • Lifting people out of poverty and homelessness
  • Providing for foster children and those with autism

COVID19 only exasperates these challenges as these non-profits have seen increases in poverty, substance abuse, mental health challenges and homelessness along with decreases in funding sources. 

COVID19 has many ramifications, including taking a toll on many of our nonprofit agencies.  The agencies are stretched to their limits and they must find ways to continue to serve their communities during these challenging times.  During this time, agencies discovered that their jobs were shifting, priorities were shifting and what their constituents needed was shifting.  Challenging the Process throttled into full gear across Cincinnati.

One agency’s focus became raising funds to provide Chromebooks and Wifi to several elementary students who would otherwise be left behind.  Another agency  shared that “I am challenging everyone to find ways to include technology at a much higher level in their day to day operations than ever before. We are finding ways to include measurable milestones as we incorporate those changes.”

The level of resilience that these leaders displayed and their passion to make a difference in the community was wonderful! Agencies found that they had to step back and relook at how to deliver services and determine what their clients needed now. 

Amid busy schedules and challenging times, twenty-two people representing fifteen unique non-profits Zoomed together to experience The Leadership Challenge.  The participants shared their stories and their struggles as they found a way to renew their energy to keep going, provide services to their clients and inspire their staff during these unprecedented times.

The one facet that I love about having a diverse group of non-profits is that they discovered that they are not alone in their challenges and they learn so much from each other. 

These leaders understood that nonprofit leadership matters. Even through adversity and uncertainty, they must continue to build their leadership capacity 

One participant commented, “This program has helped me feel reenergized, less disconnected and overwhelmed about everything that seems out of my control and all I need to address and learn in this new role.”

Thank you, Wiley, for sponsoring this event and thanks to our host, The Leadership Council for making a difference in the life of these nonprofits.  They matter and leadership matters!  Through your generosity these nonprofits are leading the way every day through a myriad of challenges.

Thanks to CMIT Rhonda Caldwell who led a session with this group during our three days together.

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