Meet Our New Interns!
Our Interns have begun their journey at the World Affairs Council and we couldn’t wait to feature them! Our interns are hard-working, detail-oriented, eager to make an impact, bursting with ideas, curious, and best of all – they are determined to make a positive change in the world.
Read more about our interns below!
Murad Zaman | Research Specialist
Murad joined our team as the Research Specialist for the Academic year 2019-2020. During his internship he will research the current demographics and multiculturalism of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, discovering what makes this city unique in the global sphere.
Murad is passionate about raising awareness about diversity and multiculturalism and believes that research is the way to do so. Murad has extensive knowledge about South Asia. He has created a presentation on Social Injustice and Human Slavery in India and is avid about researching migration and religious persecution in Asia and the Middle East. Murad believes that promoting diversity is what will enlighten people’s minds, knowing about one’s culture through cooperation and understanding will help enlighten future generations to come.
In his leisure time, Murad plays soccer, likes to listen to rock music, and enjoys watching independent films.
Currently, he is a Graduate Student at Northern Kentucky University where he Majors in Public History.
Taylor Napier | Global Exchange Intern
Taylor recently joined our team as the Global Programs intern for the fall semester of 2019! She will help coordinate the international professional exchange programs including the International visitors Leadership Program (IVLP), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.
Taylor has worked for 7 years in nursing and is returning to school to earn her triple bachelor’s in economics, Finance, and Business with a minor in International Studies. She is currently working towards attaining fluency in French and German. Taylor hopes to gain experience in the finance industry and eventually apply her knowledge of the world to her dream career of Economist.
Taylor believes that the world is capable of accomplishing its business goals in an ethical and compassionate manner, constantly searching for ways to marry the two. Taylor enjoys international travel and learning about other cultures; she is always looking to learn new things about the world around her.
Ramata Dumbuya | Global Exchange Intern
She will help coordinate the international professional exchange programs including the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State
Ramata is passionate about international education, and citizen diplomacy, she believes that educating and engaging with people of different cultures are the first ways to promote cultural understanding.
Currently, she is a senior at Miami University where she double majors in Applied Social Science Research and Social Justice. In her undergraduate career, she dedicated herself to organizations such as Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA), and African Student Union (ASU). Throughout this experience, she was able to deepen her understanding of some African culture, explore ways to instill peace in society.
She has lived in four countries, including Sierra Leone, Guinea, France and the United States. Ramata hopes to live in many more countries in the future promoting Social Justice.