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Virtual Panel Event: Child Protective Services in the US and Tajikistan: Relevance, Laws, Agencies, and Programs

April 25, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Join us in partnership with the Northern Kentucky’s Public Administration Master’s Program for this exciting panel who will engage in a dialogue about child protection services and the relevant laws, agencies, and programs in the United States and in the Republic of Tajikistan. Important laws include the Child Abuse Protection and Adoption Reform Act in the USA and the Family Code of the Republic of Tajikistan. A variety of agencies (federal, state, and local) are involved in protecting children’s rights in the USA and in Tajikistan. Panelists will discuss some of the key policies, programs, and services that these agencies offer and some of the challenges that they face. The goal of this panel is to learn from each other while at the same time identifying the cultural differences that may help explain some of the uniqueness in implementing child protection services in these two countries.

We are excited to have the following panelists:

  • Dr. Amy Halbrook is a professor of Law and Director of the NKU Chase law Center Clinic. She has represented clients in a wide range of court proceedings, including child protection, high-conflict custody, juvenile justice, school discipline and in many other related matters. She teaches the Children Law Center Clinic course, Family law, Juvenile Law, Children and Law, Mediation and Client-Centered Practice.


  • Dr. Saidmukhtorov has a Ph.D. in International Public Law, from Russian People’s Friendship University. He is currently the Head for the International Law program, at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. He has an extensive background in children’s law in Tajikistan, and has served as a legal counsel and legal specialist for various private corporations and the government of Tajikistan. He has offered numerous seminars on children rights and legal issues in Tajikistan and in Russia, and deliberated as a lawyer on many cases related to children’s rights in Tajikistan.


  • Judge Kari Bloom serves as the administrative judge of the Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas Juvenile Division, overseeing its day-to-day operations. Prior to being elected to the Court of Common Pleas in 2021, she served as an attorney in the Hamilton County Public Defender’s Office and also as a legislative liaison and parole attorney in the Office of the Ohio Public Defender. Judge Bloom has testified on behalf of juvenile justice issues in the Ohio General Assembly and has served on several statewide boards and commissions including the Ohio Supreme Court Juvenile Justice Committee. She participated in systemic policy work to increase access to courts, reconcile conflicting laws, collect and disperse criminal sentencing data, and rectify the lasting effects of “tough on crime” legislation.

The event will be a Zoom Webinar and will be recorded and posted on our Youtube for those who cannot attend.


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Virtual Event