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Cincinnati Festival of Faiths

Cintas Center 1624 Herald Avenue, Cincinnati, OH, United States

Cincinnati Festival of Faiths is to showcase Cincinnati’s religious diversity, celebrate various religions’ contributions to our community’s quality of life, develop our community’s exemplary interfaith relations and collaboration, and build and enhance interfaith unity.

Promoting Just and Inclusive Communities in Ohio, Kentucky, & Indiana: A “Whole of Community” Approach to Immigrants and Refugees

Xavier University Cintas Center 1324 Herald Ave, Cincinnati, OH

Join scholars, researchers, community organizers, service providers, local officials, leaders of faith communities, immigrant advocates, and others for a three-day event on how diverse groups in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana are working together to meet the needs of immigrant communities. This event will examine “whole of community” responses to welcoming, integrating, and protecting immigrants, lift up models and best practices, […]


Stir! Multicultural Networking Reception

National Underground Freedom Center 50 E. Freedom Way, Cincinnati, OH

Enjoy drinks and appetizers as you grow your network across cultures and communities at this multicultural networking reception on June 14 at The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center! The seven regional Chambers have joined together for this networking event to elevate and celebrate the many cultures in our region. Consider inviting a Cincinnati newcomer to join […]
