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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Center for Economic Initiatives (CEI)

Contact: Nelson Lees
Work PO Box 2157 Covington KY 41001 Work Phone: 513-703-1309 Website:


CEI brings leaders from developing economies to the United States for a first-hand look at modern technology, management and marketing in order to increase productivity and compete successfully. Programs are modeled after the highly successful Post-WWII Marshall Plan Technical Assistance Program.

As a social studies teacher, I have found the World Affairs Council to be an excellent classroom partner in education. From providing international guest speakers, to hosting the International Education Summit, to participating in Academic World Quest, the WAC has promised and delivered each and every time for my students. This has been a valuable relationship for over 10 years for myself and my students.”
- Jim O’Connor, Princeton High School Teacher