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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Cincinnati Chinese Church

Contact: Reginald Tsang
Work 1393 Compton Road Cincinnati OH 45231 Work Phone: 513-931-2381 Website:


We are like a big family, providing activities for a complete church life for Chinese Christians in the Greater Cincinnati Areas. We are also concerned for the spiritual needs of others; our desire is that every person will have the life and love of Christ Jesus. You are welcome to contact us for whatever reason. May God bless you, and may His Spirit guide your steps. Do come to visit our church.

The Dover Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Dover Corporation, a diversified global manufacturer with more than 29,000 employees worldwide. We are proud to support the Greater Cincinnati World Affairs Council and their mission to enhance and expand educational opportunities to students around the world.”
- Dover Foundation, Sponsor and Participant