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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Cincinnati – Nancy Sister City Association

Work 421 Oak Street Cincinnati OH 45219 Work Phone: (513) 241-8800×2 Website:


We are a small band of volunteers who love France, and in particular have come to know and love Nancy France. We are not all Americans, and do not necessarily speak french, but many of us do, and some as their first language. Our association with Nancy is one of Cincinnati’s oldest and most active Sister City relationships. Since 1991, there has been a long history of unique and meaningful exchanges and programs.  The relationship’s four goals are: Educational Enhancement, Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, and Arts and Cultural Exchange.

The annual trivia competition is great fun and embraces everyone present in the energy of the room. We all learned a lot, shared many laughs, with moments of triumph as well as defeat. Global education as no longer a curriculum add-on, but rather a necessity for all students, as job markets and economies are increasingly interdependent. We are proudly associated with GCWAC.”
- Linette Kuy, Practice Manager, Kuy Plastic Surgery, Inc