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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Cincinnati Sister Cities

Work 421 Oak Street Cincinnati OH 45219 US Work Phone: 5138865817 Website: Cincinnati Sister Cities


Cincinnati Sister Cities is a Non Profit 5013c organization that is the governing body for the Cincinnati sister cities of Liuzhou-China, Gifu-Japan, New Taipei City-Taiwan, Mysore-India, Amman- Jordan,Nancy-France, Munich-Germany, Harare-Zimbabwe,and Kharkiv-Ukraine. This organization strives to improve cross-cultural relationship between Cincinnati and its sister cities as well as enhance Cincinnati’s multicultural experience.

The World Affairs Council is a premier international organization in Cincinnati and the Midwest, and it is a critical component of the fabric we need to shape the global city of the future that Cincinnati is on track to become.”
- Anthony Johnson, Member since 2013