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German – American Citizens League of Greater Cincinnati

Contact: Don Heinrich Tolzmann, Ph.D
Work 6829 Westin Ridge Cleves OH 45002 Work Phone: 513-256-0384 Website:


Since 1895, the German-American Citizens League of Greater Cincinnati (GACL) has served as the central German-American umbrella organization in the area, and continues to actively support and promote the civic, social and cultural interests of the German-American community in the Tri-state region. The League’s membership is comprised of delegates from thirty-two German-American organizations in the Greater Cincinnati area. The general purpose of the League is to coordinate, represent and promote German-American interests and culture, as well as to foster relations between the German-speaking countries and the area. The GACL also maintains the German Heritage Museum, which is established in September, 2000.

The annual trivia competition is great fun and embraces everyone present in the energy of the room. We all learned a lot, shared many laughs, with moments of triumph as well as defeat. Global education as no longer a curriculum add-on, but rather a necessity for all students, as job markets and economies are increasingly interdependent. We are proudly associated with GCWAC.”
- Linette Kuy, Practice Manager, Kuy Plastic Surgery, Inc