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Glasnost Communications


Glasnost Communications is a language and culture bridge between Americans and people in the Russian- and Ukrainian-speaking world.  
Glasnost Communications helps you communicate easily and effectively by providing top-notch interpretation and translation English-Russian-Ukrainian.  Glasnost delivers full, accurate messages reflecting spirit and intent, not just literal words.  Professional, confidential.  Experience and proficiency in a wide variety of fields, such as business, education, law, agriculture, economic development, manufacturing, construction, social services, government, wildlife, environment, elections, medicine, etc.
Interpretation – consecutive + simultaneous for educational programs, legal proceedings, conferences, etc.  
Translation – documents, contracts, publications, correspondence, manuals, orientation materials, etc.

Though I only joined this year, I've loved having so many opportunities to learn more about global issues from people directly involved. It has opened my eyes to so many issues and nuances that I would have had no idea about. It is tough to know what information is real anymore, but the people I've met and presentations I've seen give first-hand commentary which is truly fascinating.”
- Jake Bartel, Member since 2016