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Global Health Charities

Contact: Susan McAdams
Work Global Health Charities 23917 Cass Avenue, Suite B Farmington MI 48335 Work Phone: 248-987-6254 Website: Global Health Charities


Every year, 303,000 mothers and 4.5 million infants die due to childbirth-related complications and infections.

Global Health Charities is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to reduce infant and maternal mortality in high risk, remote global communities.

Our initiatives include raising awareness of this issue in the US among academic and faith-based institutions, health care facilities, corporations and others who can join us in our mission to reduce these unacceptably high mortality statistics. An important part of our program has been engaging these organizations to fund and partner with us in holding local GHC Clean Birth Kit assemblies. These “hands-on” events bring the power of local engagement and action to our mission and are critical to our success and development of ambassadors for this cause.

To date, GHC has assembled over 11,000 Clean Birth Kits with 811 volunteers (8,250 volunteer hours). Kits have been responsibly distributed in 13 countries. We recognize the critical role of community health extension workers (CHEW’s), traditional birth attendants (TBA’s) and midwives in these remote rural communities, and distribute kits through these individuals whenever possible for best outcomes.

If you’re an organization or corporation that wants to get involved, contact us. It’s easy.
1. Schedule a date, time and place.
2. Sign up volunteers.
3. Decide on # of kits you would like to assemble (range is 200-1,200+).
4. Raise $10 per kit.
5. We procure the supplies and facilitate the event for you and your group.
6. GHC reports back to you on distribution and impact.

Kits can be directed to one of our global partners in need or we can discuss distributing to a  community in need connected to your organization.

Hosting international visitors is a unique benefit offered to members-first. Visitors are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and have been recognized as leaders effecting real change in their home communities. Connect with these leading individuals from around the world by hosting them for dinner in your home.”
- The Goldberg family, World Affairs Council member