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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Greater Cincinnati African American Chamber of Commerce

Executive Director Contact: Sean Rugless
Home 2945 Gilbert Avenue Cincinnati Ohio 45206 Home Phone: 513-751-9900 Website:


The African American Chamber mission is to establish,
cultivate, and strengthen consumer and business relationships; provide access to major corporate markets for our members to help increase business opportunities; and assist in developing strategic partnerships and alliances for the purpose of strengthening and growing the business community. Our charge is to identify new market opportunities, improve access to capital, and accelerate economic growth for established and emerging African-American businesses.

The diversity of the event and content was quite remarkable. More importantly the engagement of the attendees really spoke to the idea of embracing diversity and making community and business leaders realize how important it is to focus on inclusion rather than exclusion in interactions both professional and personal. It was such an interesting group of people that attended the event. The organization stands for everything that is right with Cincinnati and its goals moving forward. It was a pleasure to attend.”
- One World Gala, Sponsor and Participant