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Holy Trinity – Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

Contact: William Cassis
Work 7000 Winton Road Cincinnati OH 45224 Work Phone: 513-591-0030 Website:


Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church is the oldest parish on record in Ohio. Many of the original families of this parish are said to have arrived between 1880 and 1900 during the initial wave of Greek immigration to the United States. Adhering to her ancient traditions and practices, we follow the doctrine and teachings of our holy Orthodox Church. We are part of the Apostolic succession, therefore maintaining the unbroken communion with the Holy Church established by our Lord and God, Jesus Christ on the Cross in year 33 AD. Each year in June St. Nicholas hosts their Panegyri, or Greek Festival featuring Greek food, cultural performances, and entertainment.

The World Affairs Council programs have been a platform for our students to be able to connect what they are learning in school to the world around them. Every event that we attend makes a sincere impact on our students and allows them to view the world in a different lens. Through the WAC programs, such as the Academic World Quest Team and International Summit on Education, our school has continued to challenge the way that our kids learn and how we can connect our content to the world around us.”
- Joshua Amstutz, Winton Woods High School Teacher