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Liberty Home German Society

Contact: Richard Heitsman
Work 2361 Hamilton-Cleves Road Cincinnati OH 45013 Work Phone: 513-863-6912 Website:


The Liberty Home Association can possibly trace its origins to an organization known as the Allgemeiner Deutscher Unterstützungs Verein, or the Universal German Assistance Club. In 1903, the German Federation of Hamilton was formed, consisting of seven German-American organizations, representing more than 900 members. The purpose of the Federation was to unite all Germans and to protect their interests in their adopted country. The Liberty Home Association still retains many of its German related, folksy events, where both young and old members can enjoy their culture. The Liberty Home Association has given much to Hamilton County and Butler County and still strives to retain, use and preserve German – the real binding force of its existence. We welcome all people from the surrounding area to visit our club, particularly at events specifically hosted as such, the most popular being the Oktoberfest, always the weekend of Labor Day.

The projects presented by the organizations are very good to inspire changes in our NGO’s.”
- Visiting Speaker from Brazil