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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Paul Allaer

Director Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Ohio
Work Thompson Hine LLP 312 Walnut Street, 14th Floor Cincinnati OH 45202 Work Phone: 513-352-6658 Website:


Honorary Consuls are official representatives of a foreign country, who on a voluntary basis represent that country in cities that are distant from a full-time diplomatic mission of that foreign government. Honorary Consuls assist and protect the citizens of that country and facilitate trade and friendship between their city and the foreign government they represent.

As the Honorary Consulate of Belgium in Ohio, we are here to support and assist you, whatever your needs may be: questions about a work permit or residency permit to work or stay in Belgium, a travel visa to travel to Belgium, trade and investment questions about doing business in Belgium and its regions, etc.

There is a surprisingly strong and active bond between Belgium and the State of Ohio. Not only are many Ohio companies doing business with Belgium, a number of them also have established operations in Belgium itself, not the least of which the State of Ohio itself, which established its European trade and investment in Brussels, Belgium many years ago. Likewise, many Belgian companies are doing business with Ohio, and a number of them have established operations in Ohio. 

The annual trivia competition is great fun and embraces everyone present in the energy of the room. We all learned a lot, shared many laughs, with moments of triumph as well as defeat. Global education as no longer a curriculum add-on, but rather a necessity for all students, as job markets and economies are increasingly interdependent. We are proudly associated with GCWAC.”
- Linette Kuy, Practice Manager, Kuy Plastic Surgery, Inc