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Rodney D. Coates

Professor of Sociology and Black World Studies; Interim Director of Black World Studies Miami UniversityCollege of Arts&Science; Department of Sociology&Gerontology
Home Miami University 348 Upham Work Phone: 513-529-1590 Website:


Professor Coates teaches, researches, and lectures on issues of globalization, social justice and human rights. Currently he is working with 20 universities from around the globe towards producing a innovative curriculum which will not only explore these issues, but allow students to interact in a kind of global classroom. He is also extensively published in the areas of race and ethnic relations, education and policy. His focus in these issues is from a social justice and sociological paradigm.

The World Affairs Council programs have been a platform for our students to be able to connect what they are learning in school to the world around them. Every event that we attend makes a sincere impact on our students and allows them to view the world in a different lens. Through the WAC programs, such as the Academic World Quest Team and International Summit on Education, our school has continued to challenge the way that our kids learn and how we can connect our content to the world around us.”
- Joshua Amstutz, Winton Woods High School Teacher