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Shoulder to Shoulder

Contact: Mo Jennings
Work 4754 Chapel Ridge Dr Cincinnati OH 45223 Work Phone: 513-685-7007 Website: Blog:


Shoulder to Shoulder began providing health care services in western Intibucá, Honduras in 1990, six years prior to its official American incorporation. It was established by Dr. Jeff Heck of the University of Cincinnati Family Medicine Department in collaboration with the people of Santa Lucia, Intibucá. Today, Shoulder to Shoulder remains a private, non-profit, non-governmental organization.

In the spirit of local empowerment, Shoulder to Shoulder, Inc., worked with local community leaders in Honduras to form Hombro a Hombro, a grassroots, community-based, non-profit NGO registered in Honduras since 1998. Shoulder to Shoulder and Hombro a Hombro work in tandem to achieve a single mission: to work together with our diverse communities to create and operate sustainable health, nutrition, and education services with equitable access for everyone.

Shoulder to Shoulder focuses its efforts in the areas of basic health care, advanced medicine, dental services, education programs, community health programs, and nutrition within the communities we serve. By incorporating these areas into our care and outreach, we are able to lay a solid foundation for public health issues that affect the communities we serve.

Over the last 23 years, we have expanded to include the municipalities of Santa Lucia, San Antonio, Magdalena, Concepción and San Marcos de Sierra. Today, Shoulder to Shoulder is responsible for the health of over 36,000 rural Hondurans. We employ over 100 Honduran staff through Shoulder to Shoulder and the Honduran government. Shoulder to Shoulder’s American-based physicians and staff are 100% volunteer.

Hosting international visitors is a unique benefit offered to members-first. Visitors are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and have been recognized as leaders effecting real change in their home communities. Connect with these leading individuals from around the world by hosting them for dinner in your home.”
- The Goldberg family, World Affairs Council member