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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

Southern Ohio District Export Council (SODEC)

Contact: Marcia Brandstadt
Work Cincinnati U.S. Export Assistance Center 36 E. 7th St., Suite 2650 Cincinnati OH 45202 Work Phone: 513-684-2944 Website:


District Export Councils (DECs) are organizations of leaders from the local business community, appointed by successive Secretaries of Commerce, whose knowledge of international business provides a source of professional advice for local firms. DECs serve the United States by assisting companies in their local communities export, thus promoting our country’s economic growth and creating new and higher-paying jobs for their communities. DECs volunteer their time to sponsor and participate in numerous trade promotion activities. They also supply specialized expertise to small and medium sized businesses that are interested in exporting. Each DEC’s Executive Committee works with the membership to create an annual strategic plan that involves all members in mission fulfillment.

You welcomed a stranger and sent home a friend.”
- Madhura M. Chatrapthy, U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)