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If you would like to join Global Cincinnati as a cultural local resource, please email Michelle Harpenau Glandorf, President & CEO.

The Center for Great Neighborhoods

Contact: Sarah Allan
Home Hellmann Creative Center 321 W. MLK 12th Street Covington KY 41011 Work Phone: 859-803-0794 Website: The Center for Great Neighborhoods


We are a community development non-profit located in Covington, KY. An integral part of our mission is to help people discover and develop their skills, which includes immigrants and refugees. More specifically, we have a business development program called the FreshLo Chef Fellowship that is geared towards home cooks who are making culturally-inspired food and want to become food entrepreneurs.

The annual trivia competition is great fun and embraces everyone present in the energy of the room. We all learned a lot, shared many laughs, with moments of triumph as well as defeat. Global education as no longer a curriculum add-on, but rather a necessity for all students, as job markets and economies are increasingly interdependent. We are proudly associated with GCWAC.”
- Linette Kuy, Practice Manager, Kuy Plastic Surgery, Inc