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Umu Igbo Unite

Community Organization Contact: Nkem Iheukwu


Photo of Umu Igbo Unite

On a national scale, Umu Igbo Unite, works to: connect, convene, and empower the next generation of Igbo professionals through networking opportunities and cultural exchanges that preserve the Igbo heritage.

For 2017, the Cincinnati chapter is interested in:
-Building up our membership base by hosting events, programs and opportunities that engage potential members
-Helping others make connections by connecting college students and YPs to resources and organizations in the community
-Serving in our community by helping our immediate community, Igbo families and Nigeria
-Educating the community on the Igbo culture by offering opportunities for others to experience it’s richness

By facilitating the open exchange of ideas, the World Affairs Councils also celebrate the principles of voluntary association and free speech.”
- George Bush, Former President of the United States