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Umu Igbo Unite

Community Organization Contact: Nkem Iheukwu


Photo of Umu Igbo Unite

On a national scale, Umu Igbo Unite, works to: connect, convene, and empower the next generation of Igbo professionals through networking opportunities and cultural exchanges that preserve the Igbo heritage.

For 2017, the Cincinnati chapter is interested in:
-Building up our membership base by hosting events, programs and opportunities that engage potential members
-Helping others make connections by connecting college students and YPs to resources and organizations in the community
-Serving in our community by helping our immediate community, Igbo families and Nigeria
-Educating the community on the Igbo culture by offering opportunities for others to experience it’s richness

The World Affairs Council is a premier international organization in Cincinnati and the Midwest, and it is a critical component of the fabric we need to shape the global city of the future that Cincinnati is on track to become.”
- Anthony Johnson, Member since 2013