The World Affairs Council – Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky hosts our annual high school event, International Education Summit (IES) each year to raise student awareness about global issues and global careers. In its 15th year, we partner with Northern Kentucky University, Miami University, Cleveland Council on World Affairs, and World Affairs Council of Northwest Ohio to bring you robust, engaging virtual resources and engaging conversations. Now, we welcome our community members, teachers, and students all to join in the conversation in this virtual setting. Click here to view the 2020 Summit.

2021 IES | Your Future IN the World

We will bring you speakers to inform you of  challenges in the world and career opportunities created by those challenges. You will learn about global issues, but also about a wide-range of global career paths, some unique.

The interconnectedness of our one world is irrefutable.

“Many of you will, but not everyone will, have an international education, an overseas experience, or learn another language.  Yet all of you will be making decisions that affect what happens in our world, to our world and to all of us in it.  The more globally informed those decisions are, the better our outcomes will be.  All organizations are global in some way or another.  It’s a question of recognizing how we fit in and what we do with those connections which matters.  How we hone our global IQ’s in the coming years which are now and will be full of change, are critical decisions to consider.” – Deborah Schultz, Founder of Trans-Border Solutions

Currently, we face a pandemic and  global warming, neither of which respects borders.  At the same time, there is displacement of millions of people across borders.  Addressing these problems and others successfully requires a high degree of agreement and collaboration across the world led by informed global professionals and citizens.  We are all inextricably tied together on planet earth.  We need brave new models of cooperation and collaboration. Globalization is changing.

Your global future and ability to address what comes next matters greatly. 

Join us now as we explore issues that matter to our future!

***You must register for each event individually. If you register but are unable to attend the event, you will be sent the recording afterwards. All videos from this years program will be recorded for easy viewing. Students and teachers will hear from a diverse group of speakers representing governmental, community, business, and nonprofit organizations.

Listen to NKU President Ashish Vaidya as he introduces our 2021 Summit!

Students and Teachers– this Summit is for YOU!

Students and teachers are so important to the World Affairs Council of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Last year, we asked students to share their opinions on the issues that are most important to them. These images reflect the top issues and foreign relations that the students identified.

We need your help in making the International Education Summit the go-to place for global education in our city. Please share your feedback via surveys linked for each session. You can also find a survey about the entire summit below.


Educators: Want to receive news from the World Affairs Council on events, professional development, and lesson ideas? Sign up to receive our educator newsletter.


Schedule of Events

October 21

9am- The Value of Global Competence: Views from Young Professionals




About the Program: Join four young professionals (31-40) and learn how curiosity and exposure to international ideas, education and experiences have led to different outcomes.  Whether it’s working for a local non-profit on a global problem or in D.C.,  volunteer work here or abroad,  or the twists and turns of establishing unexpected careers, these panelists have stories to tell.  What motivates them and what matters to them on this one planet we all share?  You’ll hear something about their world views and concerns as well as the possibilities global competency and cultural understanding created for them and can for you. Most importantly they will have plenty of time to answer your questions and concerns about your future in the world.   

This panel discussion will be moderated by Deborah Schultz, Advisory Board member at the World Affairs Council of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky and founder of Trans-Borders Solutions. 

Panelists Include:

David Crookham— Major in the US Marine Corps Reserve

Meagan Hawkins– Communications Director at The Chertoff Group

Thomas Schultz– Data and Program Manager at Green Umbrella

Lindley Winchester— Senior Language Engineer at Amazon

You can find more information about our panelists here.


Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals





12pm- Flash Chat: German Consul General Wolfgang Moessinger




About the Program: In this session, Wolfgang Mӧssinger, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany– Chicago office, will discuss the bilateral ties between the Midwestern United States and Germany. Learn more about the work our Consul Generals are doing in our region to strengthen the cultural and economic ties between our countries. Consul General Mӧssinger will discuss the current state of the German economy, world affairs, and developments in Germany’s landmark election. As a city with a deep history of German heritage, learn more about how the U.S. and Germany can continue to work together in international diplomacy.

About the Speaker: Wolfgang Mӧssinger is Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Midwest, based in Chicago. After school and military service he studied German, French and History at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg. He joined the Federal Foreign Office in 1987. His first postings abroad were Dakar, Helsinki and Moscow. From 2008 to 2012 he was Consul General in Edinburgh, from 2012 to 2015 Deputy Ambassador in Baku, from 2015 to 2019 Consul General in Dnipro (Eastern Ukraine). On July 1, 2019 he joined the Consulate General in Chicago.
Consul General Moessinger is married to Mairéad Winters-Moessinger, an Irish citizen. The couple has two adult daughters.

You can view his C.V. here.

Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals





4pm- Food is Essential: Examining COVID’s Impact on the Global Supply Chain and Food Insecurity


About the Program: In this session, members of area companies and nonprofit organizations will share the economic challenges they’ve faced in their industry as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more about how supply and demand, governmental policy, and climate issues have affected the availability and prices of the food we eat. Speakers will discuss how COVID-related factors have put stress on global supply chains and how their organizations have pivoted in order to ensure the needs of their customers and community were still being met. Learn more about how you can be a conscious consumer and support local businesses during these challenging times.

Panelists Include: 

Sean Brislin-Director of Deli Prepared Foods, Culinary, and Hospitality at Kroger

Suzy DeYoung– Founder and Executive Director at La Soupe

Michael Truitt– Director of Community Partnerships and Programs at Freestore Foodbank

Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals:





7pm- Languages Equal Opportunity: Language & Culture Career Exploration

Presented by the World Affairs Council of Northwest Ohio


About the Program: Fluency in world languages can be a game-changer when it comes to your career path.  The World Affairs Council of Northwest Ohio invites you to our program, Languages Equal Opportunity:  Language & Culture Career Exploration.  On October 21st, from 7-8:00 p.m., we will have a live session as part of the World Affairs Council of Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky’s International Education Summit: “Your Future IN the World.” 

In this session, participants will hear from Dr. Linda Rouillard, Chair of the World Languages Department at the University of Toledo, about the myriad opportunities to make language acquisition a part of their career plan.  Participants will choose breakout sessions with discussions from experts in various career fields including business, engineering, education, government/diplomacy, and healthcare.

Panelists Include: 

Bill Hilt, President of the World Affairs Council of Northwest Ohio

Dr. Linda Rouillard, Chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures at the University of Toledo

Wendi Howell, Ohio Department of Development

Tyler Easton, student at Ashland University

Mike Whalen, VP of Sales and Marketing at SecuraStock

Lance Erickson, US Department of State, Former director of the Center for Slavic and East European Studies at Ohio State University


Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals





November 3

7:10am – Local Solutions to Global Challenges: Creating a Green Cincinnati



About the Program: In August, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released an alarming report on the current status of the environment and the impact that it will have on humanity. Around the world, youth have become outspoken advocates in demanding that governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations make changes to ensure the sustainability of the planet. In this session, you will be inspired to “think globally and act locally.” Speakers from the City of Cincinnati’s Office of Environment & Sustainability and other area nonprofits will discuss the Green Cincinnati Plan, a bold vision to put Cincinnati on a path to 100% renewable energy and advance the sustainability, equity, and resilience of our city. Be inspired to advocate for climate issues affecting your own community and learn more about volunteer opportunities to assist in the work that local leaders are doing to create a more sustainable future.

Speakers Include: 

Kelsey Hawkins-Johnson– Community Outreach Coordinator at Groundwork Ohio River Valley

Oliver Kroner- Sustainability Manager for the City of Cincinnati

Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals






November 4

12pm- Flash Chat: Consul General Bart Twaalfhoven of the Netherlands



About the Program: Join us for a brief chat with Bart Twaalfhoven, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the Midwestern United States. Learn more about the cultural and economic ties between the United States and the Netherlands .. Consul General Twaalfhoven will also share his background and path towards his career with the consulate.

Learn more about Consul General Twaalfhoven here.


Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals






4pm – A Look at Immigration & Global Migration: Resources for Educators

Presented by the Cleveland Council on World Affairs

FEEDBACK SURVEY Email for CEU Requests

*To receive your free CEU credits (1 hour), please email Manager of Global Education, Elizabeth Colvin at

About the Program: Join the Cleveland Council on World Affairs for an hour-long session on issues of immigration and global migration. We invite middle school and high school teachers (grades 7-12) to participate in the session and explore the history of immigration to the United States and current U.S. policy, as well as the issue of the global refugee crisis. We will share lesson plans, resources, and tools for educators to address this challenging topic in their classrooms. The workshop is appropriate for middle and high school history, social studies, and humanities teachers, including AP and IB educators.

About the Speaker: Elizabeth Colvin is a manager at the Cleveland Council on World Affairs. She is responsible for a cross-cultural communication training program, a globally-minded leadership development experience for young professionals, and professional development programming focused on supporting educators’ capabilities for teaching global issues. Elizabeth previously worked as an elementary school English Language Arts teacher with Breakthrough Schools and served as a 2015 Teach For America corps member. She is a Georgetown University alumnus with a B.A. in Government and Art History, and holds a M.S.Ed. from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Education.

Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals





7pm -After the Airlift: Examining the Afghan Refugee Crisis Post-Taliban Takeover



About the Program: In this conclusion to the International Education Summit, Dr. Yael Schacher of Refugees International will give a keynote address regarding the current state of the Afghan humanitarian and displacement crisis. As 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that led to the global War on Terror, learn more about how the U.S. is examining its obligations to the region following the chaos of the Taliban takeover of the government. This session will address how governments, the United Nations, and various humanitarian organizations have worked—and should work—together to respond to the needs of Afghans displaced within and outside of Afghanistan. Participants will learn more about the challenges that face refugees resettling in the United States and how they can advocate to ensure the human rights of refugees and migrants around the world. Dr. Schacher will also highlight the factors that brought about the humanitarian and evacuation crises as well as make predictions on what issues and trends the refugee and humanitarian communities will face in the coming years.

About the Speaker: Yael Schacher is a senior U.S. advocate at Refugees International, where she focuses on U.S. asylum, U.S. refugee admissions, temporary protected status, and immigration practices that have refugee protection implications. Prior to joining Refugees International, Yael spent a decade researching the relationship between immigration and refugee policy for her forthcoming book on the history of asylum in the U.S. since the late nineteenth century. She has taught at the University of Connecticut and lectured on immigration history and refugee policy at Harvard Law School, the University of Minnesota, and numerous academic conferences and public forums. In recent years, Yael has focused on direct legal representation of behalf of those seeking asylum and other humanitarian statuses at the Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants. Most recently, Yael was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas at Austin, where she combined historical research on asylum and advocacy on behalf of asylum seekers (with the law school’s immigration clinic and with the organization Justice for Our Neighbors).
Yael has an M.A. in History and a Ph.D. in American Studies from Harvard University and a B.A. in literature from Columbia University.

Addresses the Following Sustainable Development Goals





Thank you to our Sponsors!





Thank you to our Summit Partners!


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Thank you to our Marketing Partners!

Cleveland Council on World Affairs

Foreign Policy Leadership Council

Ohio Council for the Social Studies

University of Cincinnati International Business Group

World Affairs Council of Northwest Ohio

Northern Kentucky University Career Services

Tri-State German-American School Society of Cincinnati

European-American Chamber of Commerce– Greater Cincinnati

Mount St. Joseph University Career & Experiential Education Center

The Center for Great Neighborhoods

Heartfelt Tidbits

Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub

Education Matters

Hosting international visitors is a unique benefit offered to members-first. Visitors are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and have been recognized as leaders effecting real change in their home communities. Connect with these leading individuals from around the world by hosting them for dinner in your home.”
- The Goldberg family, World Affairs Council member