1. Culture and Climate Change, Jill Woerner, Director of Education and External Outreach, AFS-USA

Have you ever considered how someone’s home culture may affect climate change? What about how it affects someone’s reaction to initiatives to reduce waste? In this interactive session you will go through a few activities related to learning about culture and prepare to engage in some lively discussions about how those cultural insights help you think about the world and people’s approach to taking care of their planet.


2. Youth Green Workforce, Sierra Hayden and Brad O’Shea,  Youth Leaders, Groundworks Ohio River Valley

We are Groundwork Ohio River Valley and we operate the nation’s largest Green Workforce. We offer Green Team and Youth Environmental Council opportunities to have high school students get involved working with Green jobs. Our workshop includes 3 prompts where we would like to gather your input on environmental challenges you have noticed in the Cincinnati area, what you plan on implementing at home to mitigate some of these challenges, and what is your vision for a greener city?

3. Discovering your Power to Galvanize Environmental Action, Ariel Miller,  Environmental Journalist,  Rotary International

Working in small groups, we will take stock of the power in your values, talents, skills, and influence. We  will then begin mapping how you can use these to inspire the adults in your community to take environmental action. We’ll share how a tiny environmental club in a Canadian high school persuaded 300 Rotarians to calculate the carbon footprint of their regional conference and contribute $2,500 to offset it.

4. Wasted Food Stops With Us, Tony Staubach, Food Waste Diversion Coordinator, Hamilton County Re3Source

Every year you probably throw away more than twice your body weight in food. If everyone reduced their food waste by 1/2 we would have more than enough food to feed the 35 million food insecure Americans. In this workshop you’ll learn why food waste is one of many opportunities to address global hunger, why it exists, and how you can be part of the movement to cut green house gas emission by 170 million metric tons of CO2 and save 5.9 trillion gallons of water.


5. Beyond the Curb: How Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub Can Help You Recycle More!, Steph Bradford, Vice President, Board of Directors, Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub

The Cincinnati Recycling and Reuse Hub is a one-stop drop for many items that can be reused or for recycling items that are not accepted in curbside programs. “The Hub” has partnered with a variety of non-profits and other organizations to help those living in the greater Cincinnati area to recycle beyond their curbside bin and we encourage reuse of materials still in good shape. This workshop will focus on what we do, who we partner with and how you can volunteer with us.




6. Build Better Homes for Local Wildlife, Wade Barbour, International Baccalaureate Environmental Systems & Societies Teacher, Purcell Marion High School

In what ways can you make a difference in your community through building better habitats for local wildlife? In this session, we will explore ways you can positively affect your community’s environment. Through a hand-on activity, you will learn how you can make a difference locally while also having an impact globally.



7.  Clear For Takeoff: Finding Success through Collaboration, Hannah Meredith and Josh Edewards, Senior Managers of Strategic Innovation at CVG Airport

Can an airport be sustainable, innovative, operationally efficient, and offer the lowest fares to fun and far-off destinations while still being fiscally responsible? CVG Airport can. In this highly interactive workshop, hear from CVG Airport on what it takes to be a cutting edge leader in the aviation, innovation, and sustainability industries. Teams will then try their hand at overcoming challenges to achieve wins in an airport game that is all about collaboration to find shared success and ultimately take home the gold.

8. Preparing You Today for A Future of Green College, Green Career and Green Civic Life Decisions: Aiken High School Agriculture Career Tech Pathway

More information to follow….

The World Affairs Council is a premier international organization in Cincinnati and the Midwest, and it is a critical component of the fabric we need to shape the global city of the future that Cincinnati is on track to become.”
- Anthony Johnson, Member since 2013