Today’s reality is that all organizations are more interconnected than ever on a global scale – it is a part of doing business. Our global partners realize that borders are just lines on a map. In partnership with World Affairs Council, organizations have the ability to connect and strengthen their global ties both in our communities here and across the world.

Join or renew today!


Enrich your company’s culture and global leadership by supporting this local organization through sponsorship and membership. We will connect you to school groups, world leaders, and foreign affairs experts to develop a diverse, inclusive exchange of ideas creating relationships that will last in business and community.


Our global partners are crucial to providing the World Affairs Council resources to engage with our community and give access to education programs and world affairs experts.

To discuss how you can make a sustainable impact at your business and in your community, please contact Michelle Harpenau, Executive Director, or call 859.448.8984.

By facilitating the open exchange of ideas, the World Affairs Councils also celebrate the principles of voluntary association and free speech.”
- George Bush, Former President of the United States