During 2022, the World Affairs Council of Cincinnati & NKY provided hybrid learning opportunities for students and teachers; innovated with virtual and in person exchanges; and moved quickly to continue to have webinars with foreign affairs speakers. Despite the uncertainty, we remain committed to serving our community and helping to diminish boundaries. We served more than 5,000 students in 2022 with DreamFest, the Global Summer Camp for 4th-6th graders, the International Education Summit for high school students, and educator workshops focused on intercultural learning.

This year, the Council is going to continue creating international connections, raising awareness on imperative global topics, and developing empathy within students.

We are excited to bring to you the 100th Anniversary /10th Annual One World Gala & Global Trivia Competition. As our only fundraiser during the year, we need your support to continue increasing students’ global skills for our world.

Play your part in these highly anticipated events that support ongoing educational and cultural programs designed to help students in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky live, work, and lead globally.

2022 Impact Countdown Learn more about the event Buy Tickets Now Sponsorship Opportunities & Benefits

Global Education Programming Highlights

Click here to see more information about our education programs.

5 Ohio Council for the Social Studies Conference: Starting with the 5th – the Council participated in the Ohio Council for the Social Studies Conference for the first time. Melissa McDonald, our Director of Global Education, presented to teachers about Developing International-mindedness through Visible Thinking. Through this session, she made new partnerships with the International Office of International Affairs for the Ohio State University and a local social studies teacher and published author, Adam Moler. Future collaborations will be coming in 2023…

4 Around the World Family Collaboration with ArtEquals: Your #4 – ArtEquals, a Covington non-profit focused on empowering everyone to be an artist through providing community-driven accessible opportunities for creative growth, stepped up to partner with the Council and the Center for Great Neighborhoods to put together Culture Boxes for families in Covington. Their dynamic approach allowed each family to have the opportunity to experience Uganda through food and art with an at-home craft kit provided by ArtEquals.

3 Returning to in Person Presentations Winton Woods High School and St. Ursula Academy Presentations: Coming in at 3rd – This In-Person education program brought back to the classroom learning about the significance of global competence. Melissa presented to more than 300 students at several local high schools including at the Opening Ceremonies of the Academy of Global Studies at Winton Woods High School and Saint Ursula Academy Global Speaker Event  focused on the topic of Recognizing Perspectives.

Students learned about how global competence is important to understand and act on issues of global significance.

2 Global Educator Workshops – Year One: Rounding out spot #2 – As we look to the future of virtual resources, the power of global learning cannot be overstated. We piloted a year of global educator workshops to share resources with our teachers for free. You can see the topics we chose here on the screen – such as Cultural Awareness and Responsibility – bringing these topics into the classroom for a diverse group of students hearing from teachers at Winton Woods High School who are doing some amazing things in the classroom OR Using Inquiry Learning to Teach Global Topics. Click here for more educator resources.

1 International Education Summit – Back In Person: And our most loved global content was the 17th International Education Summit going back in person for almost 200 high schools students. Students explored the theme of “glocal” climate action which kicked off with Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval addressing regional climate change efforts. During the Summit, students learned about ways to act locally while thinking globally through hands-on, interactive workshops from local businesses impacting this topic here and some around the world. Additionally, 25 local professionals shared how they got to be global leaders in business while living and working here in our region inspiring the next generation. Click here for more information. The students expressed their biggest takeaways as being:

“I used to think that the global issues around the world weren’t as bad as I thought it was, and now I think/know that we need to be the change now.”

“I used to think global stuff was super stressful and now I KNOW it’s super stressful….. seems fun though so I’ll be down .”

Plus Camp Covington & Cultural Book Drive

5 weeks of creating Young Global Ambassadors

2022 Summer Camp with Enock Sadiki, Aiken High School Student from Uganda

When COVID-19 hit the world, one focus was how can we help those partners that are closest to us. The Covington elementary school students are intelligent, strong, compassionate, and hard working. When the students transitioned to remote learning, they have been hit with some barriers as a school community that were hard to overcome. Sixth District is a high priority school where 91% of students are on free and reduced lunch, so technology was not always at the top of list for families to purchase, making remote learning and technology access a serious obstacle for continued learning. In 2020, our community raised funds to provide 30 Chromebooks, WiFi, and Culture Boxes full of art supplies so students could become Global Ambassadors as they celebrate and create art projects highlighting Japan, Mexico, China, and India.

In 2021, our community raised additional funds to support all 5 Covington elementary schools to have a week of summer camp. Students explored the world as they were able to Build the World (geography), meet someone from a different country, create global art, and read books about culture. Students were also able to take home with them a culture box and an international book to start their at-home library.

In 2022, our community supported sending 75 students to global summer camp from Covington Independent Schools. The focus was on learning about the life of refugees.  At the end of Camp, each student received a signed copy of the published memoir of our Global Guide from Uganda,  Enock Sadiki, who shared his story of being a refugee and how soccer helped him persevere as well as two multicultural books purchased from the non-profit Friends of the Public Library (thanks to our generous donors!).

A significant moment during Camp Covington was when one of the students chose a book to bring home that was connected to his personal experience. The student decided on A Refugees’ Journey from Guatemala. When asked why he chose that book he said because my dad died trying to come from Guatemala.

Connecting students to global experiences increases their international awareness, empathy, and cultural knowledge.  It matters more than ever.

Thank you to our local community for stepping up to support our students so they can continue learning and become global leaders in their household and school. They need your support more than ever in 2023! 

True goal of education: to raise a more knowledgeable generation that is better equipped to deal, communicate, understand, and help the rest of the world.”
Xanthe Webb Aintablian, The Importance of Teaching Global Education in the Classroom

Learn More About Our Education Programs

You welcomed a stranger and sent home a friend.”
- Madhura M. Chatrapthy, U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)